Program List

The number of (the)data : 5
  • Human
  • Science
  • Entertainment
  • Human
  • Science
  • Entertainment

Get Ready!

Get Ready!

Hazama is a brilliant surgeon who runs a patisserie by day, creating cakes with the same ingenuity and dexterity he applies to surgery. But in his other life, he leads a secretive and powerful medical team willing to apply daring and unrivaled skills to any surgical challenge for an exorbitant fee. With his international legal partner Shimoyamada handling the client negotiations, Hazama takes scalpel into his own genius hands in this unprecedented type of medical human drama.

고독한 천재 집도의 하자마.
낮에는 자신의 가게에서 파티시에를 하며 수술과 닮은 그 능숙함과 대담한 아이디어로 섬세한 케이크를 만들어 판매하고 있다.
하지만 그것은 겉모습일 뿐 비밀리에 고액의 보수를 대가로 한 초인적인 기술로 그 어떤 수술도 마다하지 않는 불법의 최강 의료팀을 이끄는 절대적인 존재이다.
하자마가 수술을 맡는 환자와 교섭 역할을 담당하고 있는 국제변호사 시모야마다와 파트너가 되어 최강의 팀과 함께 환자의 인생에 날카롭게 메스를 가하는 전대미문의 의료 휴먼엔터테인먼트의 막이 열린다.

유즈루는 나오키로부터 자신의 말을 유이에게 전해달라고 부탁받고 유이와의 접촉을 시도하게 되는데….
나오키는 말하지 못했던 “자신의 마음”을 유이에게 전할 수 있을까…!


  • Suspense
  • Suspense

Red Eyes

There are 5 million surveillance cameras scattered throughout Japan.

In order to investigate crimes using a state-of-the-art surveillance system, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department formed a new Special Force named KSBC (Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department Investigation Analysis Center). Kyosuke Fushimi, who used to be celebrated as a brilliant detective at the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department's Homicide Division, joins KSBC to try and solve difficult crimes shrouded in mystery.

Fushimi forms a team of private investigators that includes quite some characters, like a former university professor of criminal psychology who is an expert at profiling, a single mother and former member of the Self Defense Forces, and a young genius hacker.

At first glance, KSBC seems like a dream team, but it turns out that everyone is an "ex-criminal" with a dark past.

From a "surveillance tower" equipped with cutting-edge technology, the investigators track down the culprits in real time.

This is a fast-paced thrilling cyber crime suspense you won't want to miss!

  • Human
  • Medical/Health
  • Human
  • Medical/Health

Alive: Dr. Kokoro, The Medical Oncologist

アライブ がん専門医のカルテ

Two female doctors, a physician and a surgeon, have formed the strongest tag team. Taking place in the medical oncology department, this is a “medical drama with a human twist” that tells of the battles and hardships faced by cancer specialists.
Kokoro Onda is a doctor from the medical oncology department. She married a man she met in school named Takumi and gave birth to a boy. Every day was smooth sailing. However, her husband had a falling accident, and has not regained consciousness despite undergoing surgery. Though she acts tough at the workplace, she personally still hasn’t come to terms with reality. And that’s when she meets Kaoru Kajiyama?a capable gastrointestinal surgeon who transferred to her hospital for work. She’s cool, calm, and collected during work and always makes the right calls on the spot, but she’s also a lady with a bold personality that shocks everyone around her. Another part of her is her love life, in which she only deals with difficult men. But, Kaoru has a secret that she can never reveal to Kokoro.

  • School
  • School

Where Have My Skirts Gone?


The new Japanese language teacher is gay, middle-aged and is a crossdresser! Outspoken, always on the go and overflowing with love, he overcomes all sorts of struggles in this exciting school-life drama.

Mr. Nobuo Harada is a 52-year-old gay crossdresser who teaches high school.

Gorinkan Academy, a private high school, just announced their Diversity Policy and recently hired Mr. Harada. Having experienced the bitter and sweet sides of life, there are many things that only he can explain to his students. Rumors of his blunt stories spread like wildfire throughout campus. Outrageous and daring, Mr. Harada uses every ounce of his courage to fight back against the gigantic establishment and opens up the minds of his students.

This spring, a rare type of teacher comes to life. Mr. Harada's powerful human touch just might be what our new era needs. Join him through the laughter and the tears in this never-before-seen school-life drama that is sure to leave a lasting imprint in your heart.

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Drama (Series)

  • Action
  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Drama (Series)

CODE JAPAN:The Price of Wishes


CODE—a smartphone app that satisfies any desire. But there is a catch: if CODE fulfilled your wish, you must reciprocate by granting a request that CODE sends you. What you receive is a wish of another CODE user. So, in short, CODE is a wish-matching app. If, for instance, you typed in “I want 10,000 dollars right now,” you will instantly receive 10,000 dollars in your bank account. However, you will also receive an anonymous request as your “task,” which you must carry out in return. The task may be something like, “Deliver this suitcase.” If you fail to grant the trade-off wish which is your task, what awaits you is a tragic ending that may even be your death…
“Let us help you match your desires.”
An evil app with the face of an angel—CODE.